Rooms in the House Song

Listen and learn some of the main rooms in a house.

Title: Rooms in the House Song
Singer/song writer: Jonathan Taylor Brittunculi


I’m gonna find my way back to you
I’m gonna find you before the day is through
I’m gonna look in the kitchen, and on the landing
The living room, bedroom and in the dining room
I’m gonna find my way back to you
If it’s the very last thing that I do

I’m gonna find my way back to you
I’ll go up to the attic, and down to the basement
I’ll walk through the hallway; I’ll check out the spare room
I’m gonna find my way back to you
Before this day is through

I’m gonna look in the kitchen, and on the landing
The living room, bedroom and in the dining room
I’ll go up to the attic, and down to the basement
I’ll walk through the hallway, [phone ringing]
I’ll check out the spare room

I found you, there you are
I left you in the bathroom
Hello, Jonathan speaking

The Rooms in the House Song (video with subtitles)

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