Writing Prompt ~ British Vs. American Spelling

Posted by: Tara Benwell Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt: British and American English have some vocabulary differences. In writing, you also have to think about the spelling differences. In most cases, it doesn’t matter which you use; however, try to choose one or the other for a single piece of writing. Review some common differences in British and American spelling. Then write an email using BrE OR AmE (not both). Write a letter back using the opposite spelling.

Example (BrE)
To: aaron@am.com
From: mark@brit.com
Subject: Travelling

Hi Aaron,

I travelled to the city this week. There were so many colours and flavours to discover. The centre of town had a museum and a theatre. I visited both and realized I had a lot to learn about my country. It was a grey day, but my travelling companion had a great sense of humour. We wanted to bring something home for our wives. I suggested jewellery, but he thought we should bring them programmes from the theatre. My wife would have taken offence. I decided to buy her some pyjamas. (I’m sure she would have been happier if I had written her a cheque and sent her shopping.) We got a flat tyre on the way home. Fortunately, my neighbour was in the area. He came and helped us out. I need to practise changing my own tyre! Write back and let me know how you’re doing.

Warm regards,

Example (AmE)
To: mark@brit.com
From: aaron@am.com
Subject: Traveling

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your message. I’ve been traveling too. I went to the center of the universe, also known as New York City. You want to see theaters? Go there! The weather was beautiful. (Sorry to hear about your gray skies.) I fulfilled a lifelong dream by seeing New York. Unlike you, I brought home jewelry for my wife. Okay, so it was just a watch with the Statue of Liberty on it, but it will come in useful when she goes into labor. I told you we were expecting, didn’t I? Please don’t criticize me! I know I should have been in touch earlier, but I’ve been busy! I got a new job as a city counselor. The work is very demanding, but I get a nice check at the end of the month. Anyway, I only have a few months left of freedom, so I am savoring every moment. I’ll probably do some more traveling before the big day.

Stay tuned!

Written by Tara Benwell for EnglishClub
Tara Benwell is a Canadian freelance writer and editor who specializes in materials and articles for the ELT industry.
© EnglishClub.com

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